Mel’s wisdom

We will be writing some together and some individually. It will be easy to distinguish them apart because I am a grammar Nazi and English is her second language. Today, she asked me to type what she wrote by hand but I will not make the grammatical corrections because her broken English in her thick French accent is something I adore about her. 

Remember: It’s the little things that mean the most.



“After my long marriage, I was not looking for love as I am a true believer love is not something you look for, love is something that happen. A lover in the meanwhile was what I was seeking. The cultural difference was a challenge as southern men did not understand this concept and had no idea how to face a free woman. But most important before love happen to me, I did the real work. I work on myself through therapy and some holistic approach as well. I went deep inside of me, explore, face my dark corners, my fear, my wounds. I face them, understand them, accept them. I healed, I understood that healing was not to erase those pains but accept them as part of who I am, have compassion for them, for me. Accept all aspect of myself and love myself, all of it, even or especially the darkness of my soul… so love yourself, all of yourself. Then love, true love, can happen.


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